单次入境$100 (办理时间5-6 个工作日,签证有效期3 个月,单次入境最长30 天)
2 次入境:$ 180 (单次入境,单次入境最长30 天)
5 年多次往返,$ 230 新币(过去5 年至少去过一次才有资格申请),单次入境最长30 天
申请表(需自行提前填写,如需我们代填申请表,需支付服务费30 新币/份)
1. 护照原件+复印件(护照有效期必须超过9 个月以上,准证有效期必须超过3 个月)
2. 新加坡IC 原件+复印件(PR 需要Re-entry Permit,背面是二维码的要近1 周扫描打印)
3. 护照标准照片1 张,2 寸白底彩照.(男生不能穿背心,女生不能穿吊带背心拍照,不可以衣着暴露!)(半年内近照,且之前没有申请签证
4. 最近3 个月的银行存款流水账(Bank Statement),银行流水账单上必须有申请人的名字.必须打印每一页
5. 在读或在职证明
职证明公司在职证明原件( 不能使用扫描件),原件上需要有公司HR 的签名和盖章.从递交日开始计算,在职证明必须是在1 个月内出具的公司在职证明需要包括签证申请人姓名、护照号码、入职日期、职位、薪资、计划出行日期、回程日期,出行目的.
公司信需注明 To 韩国大使馆,或者公司信内容注明是去韩国!
自雇人士需要提供ACRA biz profile
学校在读证明原件(不能使用扫描件),原件上需要有校方的签名和盖章. 从递交日开始计算,在读证明必须是在1 个月内出
2)无业,由配偶赞助出行: 需要提供配偶的在职证明+配偶护照首页复印件+英文版的结婚证原件,或者英文版结婚公证原件。
3)无业,由子女赞助出行: 需要提供子女的在职证明+子女护照首页复印件+英文版的出生证,或者英文版出生公证原件。
Handling fee
Single entry $100 (processing time 5-6 working days, visa validity 3 months, single entry up to 30 days)
2 Entry: $180 per entry, up to 30 days per entry
S$230 for multiple round trips over 5 years (must have been at least once in the past 5 years to qualify), single entry up to 30 days
Visa fee is cash only
materials needed:
Application form
Form download link: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/sg-en/brd/m_2444/view.do?seq=761433&page=2
1. Original + copy of passport (passport must be valid for more than 9 months, pass must be valid for more than 3 months)
2. Singapore IC original + copy (PR needs Re-entry Permit, and the QR code on the back needs to be scanned and printed in the past 1 week)
3. 1 standard passport photo, 2-inch color photo with white background. (Boys can't wear vests, girls can't wear camisole to take pictures, and they can't be revealing!) (Recent photos within six months, and have not applied for a visa before used)
4. Bank Statement of the last 3 months, the applicant's name must be on the bank statement. The minimum deposit amount must be printed on each page
5. Proof of study or employment
If you have a job, you need a company certificate of employment
Employment certificate The original of the company's in-service certificate (can not use the scanned copy), the original needs to have the company's HR signature and seal. From the date of submission, the in-service certificate must be issued within 1 month
The company's employment certificate needs to include the visa applicant's name, passport number, entry date, position, salary, planned travel date, return date, and travel purpose.
LTVP/LTVP+ holders also need to provide LOC
Self-employed people need to provide ACRA biz profile
If you are a student, you need a school certificate
The original copy of the school's proof of study (cannot use a scanned copy), which needs to be signed and stamped by the school. From the date of submission, the proof of study must be issued within 1 month
The proof of school attendance should include the visa applicant's name, passport number, school entry time, planned travel date, and return date.
If you are unemployed, you need to prepare the following materials according to different situations
1) Accompanying mother: You need to provide the child's school attendance certificate + a copy of the first page of the child's passport + the original notarized birth certificate in English
2) Unemployed and sponsored by a spouse: You need to provide your spouse's employment certificate + a copy of the first page of your spouse's passport + the original marriage certificate in English, or the original notarized marriage certificate in English.
3) Unemployed, travel sponsored by children: You need to provide the child's employment certificate + a copy of the first page of the child's passport + English version of the birth certificate, or the original English version of the birth certificate.
4) Unemployed (including young children), travel sponsored by parents: parents' employment certificate + a copy of the parent's passport home page + English version of the birth certificate, or the original English version of the birth certificate.
在职证明模板 / Company letter Sample
我社额外提供 证件照拍照服务
我们的营业地址:133 New Bridge Road #03-15, Chinatown Point #03-15 S059413